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This shrub is quite straight and does not branch out. New stems are coming from the base… I am trying to sort 3 growing shrubs in my garden and I am trying to find the best place to put them while they are small. Thank you in advance!
Amy Flower Fanatic says:
This appears to be a lilac! It needs to be placed in a sunny location, and will have large flowers in late spring. The flowers can be white, pink, red or purple, and will attract butterflies and other pollinators. The flowers smell AMAZING and are adored by many: one of the most pleasant smells! Great shrub. It is a large shrub, growing to about 12′ tall at maturity.
August 15th, 2016 at 11:42am
laura735 Unregistered says:
Hi fernandops, with out its flowers to be certain, I can only speculate here. Your plant looks similar to Bougainvillea. check it and see if you have a match. Plants in this genus include shrubs, trees and vines. You will know more when it blooms. Click on link below for information on Bourgainvillea. Best wishes!
August 13th, 2016 at 8:47am