Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
09 / 13 / 2014
Season Photo Was Taken
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Los Angeles
Posted by
Gnomenclature Joe
These pictures belong to the previous post with the same title and description…need help identifying please. Thank you!
Gnomenclature Joe Apprentice says:
Laura, thank you! You have without question identified my plant! After 15 years of propagation finally I know what plant I have here. Much appreciated thank you for solving this one for me!! Gnomenclature Joe
September 16th, 2014 at 10:27am
Laura Unregistered says:
Look up African Milk Bush, Synadenium grantii.
September 16th, 2014 at 10:03am
Gnomenclature Joe Apprentice says:
Any ideas what this is? My original post and description did not make it, (oops! I’m new here) so there are some details below about the mystery plant In the photos… This plant is hardy, leaks a milky white sap, is drought tolerant, and loses nearly all of its leaves usually in the winter months. Began growing from 4 inch cutting indoors about 15 years ago, moved to outdoor pots, and finally it is now flourishing in the ground. So far it seems to grow quickly to fill any size container. Very beautiful smooth somewhat waxy feeling vibrant green leaves. The third picture is accidentally rotated but was included to show the woody trunk. Any information on what plant this might be would be extremely appreciated. Thank you!
September 13th, 2014 at 4:34pm