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Date Photo Taken
10 / 27 / 2013
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Roses are 6 years old, never had a problem with anything other than thorns when I prune them. This year all of a sudden the leaves disappeared within 4 weeks to being almost naked. I decided to cut them back thinking whatever it was had left but when I turned the good leaves over on the branch I found WORMS. Never seen so many. One bush had what looked like a webworm netting on the lower branches and I included it in the pictures. What are they and will they be back?
dblackwell1968 Leaf Lover says:
Not sure what particular insect that is but Sevin dust will take care of most pests. Maybe snip off one of the small limbs with the insects, place into a ziploc bag and take to garden center near you for a more definitive answer on creature and cure. Knockout roses are more tolerant than the hybrid or tea roses. Don’t panic, just do some research and you will know how to deal with future problems as well. Good luck.
June 20th, 2016 at 7:10am
Phyllis Woods Unregistered says:
Tiny whitish worms are eating my knockout roses. The leaves look like lace work and they are infested. They are so tiny one can miss them if not looking very closely. Please help. This is my first venture into roses and i dont know what to do.
June 18th, 2016 at 11:55am
dblackwell1968 Leaf Lover says:
I have cut those roses back to 12 in. high, spray insecticide around the base and on the trunks and they have returned for the past 3 years
May 16th, 2016 at 8:53am
dblackwell1968 Leaf Lover says:
I cut my roses down to 12 inches from the ground, sprayed with insecticide around the ground below the roses and on the limbs themselves. They have not failed to return each year for 3 years now.
May 16th, 2016 at 8:54am
Diane Blackwell Leaf Lover says:
I cut mine down to a foot from the ground with no harm. They came back fine
May 13th, 2016 at 6:29pm
Joan Snow Unregistered says:
My aunt has some knockout roses that have been ruined by black caterpillars. They have eaten the leaves and there is nothing left but stems. Can I prune the plants back about 6 to 8 inches tall?
May 10th, 2016 at 8:16pm
Walter Reeves The Georgia Gardener says:
October 28th, 2013 at 9:01am