Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
06 / 26 / 2013
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A couple of days ago, my daughter and her teammate were at soccer practice when a ball went into this brushy area (please see picture). The girls reached into this to retrieve the ball and each girl had little spots of blood on the hand as well as a very bad burning sensation which occurred immediately and lasted all day in to the evening. The area was instantly red and almost blistered looking Both still have on their hands what looks like a burn two days later. Please help us identify!
stone Master Identifier says:
I’ve posted the additional pictures here: Sorry for delay.
July 2nd, 2013 at 5:46pm
stone Master Identifier says:
While there are several types of stinging nettles in the area… And the one you mentioned is a tough customer: I couldn’t spot any in the pictures provided. I can’t recall ever dripping blood after an encounter with stinging nettles… Horse nettles, yes… Cogongrass descriptions mention skin injuries… “the leaf blades have serrated edges (they can cut tender skin)”
July 1st, 2013 at 9:04am
dmorgan Unregistered says:
There may be a Tragia urticifolia (noseburn; stinging nettle) in there. It has stinging hairs that can produce the symptoms described; it occurs in habitats like the one in the picture in the southeast.
June 29th, 2013 at 9:34pm
stone Master Identifier says:
In looking over the additional pictures, the only plant I see that could cause a potential injury like you describe is the grass. I’m wondering if you’ve discovered a cogongrass infestation. If so, you might want to report it to the authorities.
June 28th, 2013 at 3:23pm
stone Master Identifier says:
Can you provide additional pictures? I’m seeing grasses, and what looks like asters, but nothing that would cause the reaction that you describe. Close-ups of each individual plant is going to be required, to rule each out. Is there a chance that the problem might’ve been caused by insects? Say chiggers?
June 28th, 2013 at 7:43am