Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
05 / 15 / 2013
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Tall, hearty stalks, continues to grow quickly. Buds but not flowering yet.
stone Master Identifier says:
I would love to hear what blooms you get. Your plant is likely common milkweed (asclepias syriaca), and as such will have a tendency to colonize… Or run… Like a sumac… Makes for a poor bedding plant, but when we have the room… A great monarch resource! we have some milkweeds down here that have a similar above ground growth habit, but are difficult to propagate, as they almost never set seed, they just come up in that one spot.
June 13th, 2013 at 8:54am
simla16 Registered says:
Compared it to some milkweed plants online and that looks like what it might be! Would be exciting if monarch butterflies start visiting. 🙂
June 12th, 2013 at 10:23am
Walter Reeves The Georgia Gardener says:
looks like pokeweed to me
June 11th, 2013 at 4:23pm
Sherri Unregistered says:
I have been trying to ID one of these as well. I have several of them that just popped up this year in 2 of my gardens. What are they?
June 11th, 2013 at 3:00pm
Kirk Flower Fanatic says:
Looks like a milkweed of some type.
June 8th, 2013 at 3:58pm