Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
06 / 01 / 2013
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This plant is in the garden of a house I bought this winter. I thought it was a flower but after the blooms wilted, I got these cucumber like plants on it. What is it?
Gray Unregistered says:
The seed pods look like i. tectorem or Japanese Roof Iris. Are the blooms white?
June 20th, 2013 at 1:32pm
stone Master Identifier says:
Those seedpods look like Iris pseudacorus, or one of the Louisiana Irises. The leaves are kinda throwing me off. Anyway… what I do… Is wait… when the seedpods split open, gather the seeds, and sow them in a well prepared seedbed. I usually plant seeds in rows, as it makes them easier to identify when they come up. With a bit of luck, you may get some variations… Other than collecting and planting the seeds, I leave my iris alone, they can take care of themselves.
June 9th, 2013 at 10:47am
msavage04 Registered says:
So how do I take care of it? There are no blooms left, just these seed pods.
June 7th, 2013 at 12:03pm
stone Master Identifier says:
Those are seed pods, plant looks like a bearded iris.
June 6th, 2013 at 4:16pm