World Naked Gardening Day

World Naked Gardening Day (NSFW) is celebrated each year on the first Saturday in May. People across the globe are encouraged to tend their portion of the world’s garden unclothed .

As the organizers say: “It’s fun, costs no money, runs no unwanted risk, reminds us of our tie to the natural world, and does something good for the environment.”

Below are pictures of me celebrating(?) in previous years. Scroll to the bottom for a picture of some naked ladies….and join me for a new celebration for folks who don’t care to garden unclothed: World Pajama Gardening Day!

One of my favorite bands to listen to while gardening is Barenaked Ladies.


sun on my back, plant in my hand


Ashton Ritchie says “When feeding your lawn on WNGD be sure to go Natural.”


local gardener deciding how much to prune



off to the compost pile


Ashton Ritchie plants his pot

Ashton Ritchie plants his pot



what to cut?


local gardener wears shoes on WNGD


me, next to a light in my back yard

me, next to a light in my back yard

my garden angel at night

my garden angel at night

no bare naked soil

Naked ladies (Lycoris squamigera)

Naked ladies (Lycoris squamigera)

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Walter Reeves
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