New Zealand – Plants

We had a great time in New Zealand in January, 2011. Our group left Atlanta two days before the huge snow/ice storm hit and closed the city for four days!

Each day we’d have breakfast in 75 degree weather and talk about how things were back home. It was a great time to be gone!

January in New Zealand is their summertime. Here some of the plants we saw:

Hydrangeas were in full bloom.

Roses were at their peak!

I'd love to have this rose!

Tree ferns were everywhere.

This fern fiddlehead is three feet tall.

Check out the size of this New Zealand impatiens.

This is why Norfolk Island pine often outgrows its indoor space!

Eucalyptus can be huge.

Did you know weeping mulberry grew this big?

The plants were gorgeous...but the sunsets were too.

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Walter Reeves
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