Cuba Trip 2014 – Plants

We visited an organic cooperative farm, two national botanical gardens and a mountaintop nature preserve.

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welcome sign at organic farm cooperative

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members of the cooperative are required to work in order to get produce

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oxen used to plow the fields

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workers entering the seedling greenhouse are required to disinfect their hands and shoes before entering

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this chute allows people inside the seedling greenhouse to give plants to outside workers without allowing “dirty” workers to come inside and contaminate the seedlings

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the hanging soft drink bottle is half-filled with fermenting molasses, which attracts harmful insects

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air-layering a ficus in order to make a new plans

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drying tumeric roots

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mung beans separated from their skins before being sold for sprouts

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Cubans appreciate coleus as much as we do

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a beautiful angel trumpet flower, probably Datura metel

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don’t be harvesting these fruits…we’re protecting them!

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Walter Reeves
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