Deer Damage vs Rabbit Damage to Stems

Q: I have two pots of Gerber daisies in my backyard. One is located right next to my wooden deck and the other is located 15 feet away. I can only enjoy the blooms on the pot that is located away from my deck for one day at a time.
Each time I get a mature bloom something is eating that bloom during the night. When I view the flower the next day all I have is an empty stem to look at.
A: Deer would be my guess…but it could be rabbit damage if the stem cut is within a foot of the ground..
The stem will be cleanly cut at a sharp angle if it’s a rabbit. Deer don’t have upper teeth so stems they nibble on have a flat and ragged cut.

Cut at end of stem is sharp and 45 degrees = rabbit damage

deer damage

deer damage

rabbit damage

rabbit damage